Discover which sources are driving users to your site, get a full picture of each channel’s performance using built-in attribution models, view noise-free reports without referral spam, and see the breakdown of bots on your sites.
Segmentation and drill-down options
Analyze traffic by campaign, ad banner, or keyword – as well as by user location, device, or browser version. Compare sources by user retention. Drill down on a source, pick it out as a segment, and use it in any other report to get insights on its performance. See whether a channel works best when driving users to your site for the first time or when serving as an interaction in the middle.
Attribution where you need it
Instantly determine the input of each marketing channel. Apply one of the built-in attribution models in any report where you use a traffic source as a dimension and, for example, find out what the first traffic source is for sessions with conversions.
Automatic source markup
All types of traffic sources are recognized automatically so that you can see the top drivers of traffic immediately. You will find all established online marketing channels marked up as ad, search, referral, email, social, and direct traffic.
Built-in spam filters
Referral spam is a distraction and creates noise in site statistics. Yandex.Metrica automatically protects your site from fake sessions using built-in filters that block most spam traffic sources.
Bot breakdown
Control the amount of bot traffic your site gets. Move bot sessions to a separate report, or choose to view the percentage of bot sessions for your traffic sources or any other dimension. Non-human traffic is detected using sophisticated machine learning algorithms so that bots can be filtered out as accurately as possible.
Get started in minutes
To start using Yandex.Metrica, simply register an account, get code snippet,
and add it to all pages of your site.